venerdì 25 maggio 2012

Italian Jews: On and Off Screen

Italian Jews: On and Off Screen

Call for papers for the Northeast Modern Language Association 2013 Convention
Chair(s): Philip Balma and Giovanni Spani

Session ID: 13115
This panel aims to highlight new or underexplored approaches to the study of the Italkim, but also to properly contextualize and further the extant critical discourse on Italian-speaking, foreign-born authors such as Edith Bruck and Giorgio Pressburger who (among others) have had an undeniable impact on how Italian and European audiences perceive the modern Jewish experience. Contributions will be informed by the most recent scholarship on the subject (Salah, Rothberg, Quercioli-Mincer, Serkowska, Speelman, Minuz, Marcus, Perra and many others) and will endeavor to move beyond the barriers that all too often have helped create a compartmentalized scholarly inquiry with respect to Jewish artists operating in Italy. Papers exploring the literary and cinematic representations of the Italophone Jewish experience will constitute the principal focus of this session, as well as any study that seeks to synthesize and revise the current critical reception of literary and filmic products which focus on Italian/Italophone Jews in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Send a 250-300 word abstract (in English or in Italian), along with a description of any technological (audio/video) needs to:

Prof. Philip Balma, University of Connecticut -  
Prof. Giovanni Spani, College of the Holy Corss –

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